Non-formal education for cyber-security training & resilience of youth organisations and young people

“CYBERYOUTH: Non-formal education for cyber-security training & resilience of youth organisations and young people” is a 2 year Erasmus+ collaborative project in the youth sector, with an aim to raise awareness in young people in regards to proper cyber-security practices and methods through collaboration alongside cyber-security focused SMEs , along with opportunities in cyber professions, as well as build the capacities needed to take advantage of these opportunities through engaging non formal learning methods, such as an e-learning course and application.
During the 2 years of project implementation CYBERYOUTH aims to develop the following list of outcomes & Project results (PRs):
• A multilanguage project websiteavailable in 7 Programme’s languages(EN/IT/NL/BG/ET/TR/ES) & Social Mediapages (Facebook, LinkedIn).
• PR1: Strategy framework forcyber-resilience of youth organisations; developed with the aim of introducing quality standards in cyber-security within youth organizations.
• PR2: Cyber-security Online Academy (CY-Academy): An online academy teaching proper cyber-security practices to young people and raising awareness of the opportunities these fields contain for youths through non formal education activities, such as cyber games, questionnaires, etc.
• PR3: Cyber-security app for youth empowerment through online gamified non-formal education: Development of a web-app in tight collaboration with various SMEs and youth organisations, as well as target youth demographics, to engage interest in developing knowledge in cyber-security through non formal education methods.

• LTTA – C1 Mobility based in Turkey: This event will join youth workers representing Italy, Turkey, Holland, Estonia, Bulgaria and Spain and experienced cyber-security professionals to encourage capacity-building in youth workers to deploy effective organisational strategies by sharing useful tools and good practices.
• A final set of 6 Multiplier Events (E1-E6) to take place at the end of the project in each Partner Country, inviting and incorporating members of local and regional education councils, along with stakeholders and various youth associated partners.
• Youth Workers and Educators.
• Local and regional education departments.
• Staff members of target organizations.
• Cyber-security focused SMEs.
• Young people, particularly those with an interest in cyber professions, with a focus on diversity and inclusion of demographics not typically involved in cyber-security.

Non-formal education for cyber-security training & resilience of youth organisations and young people

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028668